Revive the Mission
Scatter the Seed
Session 3:Revive the Mission
God’s redemption of humanity leaves us in awe.
Many authors and hymn writers express joy and astonishment that God, through Jesus, would save us from our sins.
This forgiveness and new life is something we could never achieve on our own.
Another startling realization is that God would include us in His plan to reach the world with the Good News of Jesus.
Join God’s Mission, Even As You Await Specifics
Read Acts 13:1–3.
Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger,[a] Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. 2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.
The believers at Antioch were involved in a growing church.
They faithfully carried out the Great Commission in their city.
What activities do these verses show the believers at Antioch were engaged in?
What other activities are God’s people called to do?
Which of those activities is easiest for you? Which is more difficult?
While the believers were gathered, the Holy Spirit spoke to them, explaining that Paul and Barnabas must begin the work He had called them to do.
The text does not say precisely how this word from God came to the believers.
How have you heard God’s voice in the past?
From reading these verses, it is possible that Paul and Barnabas were already aware of the mission work God was calling them to; they may have been waiting on God’s timing.
Until that time, they continued with the overall mission to make disciples.
While we wait, we continue to carry out the plans that we know God is calling all believers to do, knowing that much of our waiting time involves preparation.
Identify Your Mission Microclimate
We heard about microclimates, areas within a larger climate that vary considerably.
We need to look at our own microclimates.
These are specific areas where God has placed us and where specific people regularly interact with us.
We likely have several microclimates.
Whom has God put in it with you who may need the gospel?
The people God has put around you need to hear the Good News of Jesus, but they will also need your nurturing involvement - both before and after they respond to the gospel.
How are you or how can you begin nurturing involvement in the lives of these people?
What specific steps can you take this week?
You are equipped by God for the area He has placed you in.
How does this encourage you?
How do you see that God has equipped you?
Evaluate Your Commitment
When was the last time I made a life adjustment based on something God revealed to me?
It may be that you sense God calling you to make a life adjustment now. If so, what is God asking you to do?
Does my conversation with others go beyond surface-level talk?
To add to this question, how can you more intentionally strive for deeper conversations about spiritual things?
How often do I pray for people who do not know Jesus?
We should have a list of people for whom we pray in this manner.
If you want your heart to be burdened for people to know Jesus and grow in Him, then you must begin praying for them.
Start making your list.
Last Word
When it comes to joining God’s disciple-making mission, it’s okay to start small and learn on the way – as long as you start somewhere.
For us, that includes taking time now to pray for people in our mission microclimates and then considering how we can best nurture relationships that will engage them with the Good News of Jesus Christ.